KBS presents: "The Wizard of OZ"! Wednesday, March 15th and Thursday, March 16th at the Monroe County Fine Arts Center at 7pm. Tickets are $5 per person at the door!
Congrats to all of our students who earned Positive Behavior Referrals last week! THEKNIGHTWAY!
Congratulations to our State Science Fair winners! We are so proud of each of them! Evan Kemper-1st place, Knox McKneely-2nd place and Myriana Brezial-3rd place
Look at all of these Kindergarten Sight Word Superstars! We are so proud of our students! Way to go Jaxley Maurice, Hunter Norwood, Luca Rosenker and Annora Stewart!
This week is Read an eBook Week! Take time to check out a fantastic book from Sora. Visit https://soraapp.com/welcome to find our school.
Students can log in with s.firstname.lastname and their password is their lunch number.
Happy reading!
The Mother Son Dance is THIS Friday, March 10th at Hubbard Elementary! There are about 200 tickets available. Tickets are $10 per person and can be purchased at all three elementary schools. Tickets will not be sold at the door.
The Mother Son Dance is THIS Friday, March 10th at Hubbard Elementary! There are about 200 tickets available. Tickets are $10 per person and can be purchased at all three elementary schools. Tickets will not be sold at the door.
Our Neatest Knights awards for the month of February go to Mrs. Bumgardner's class and Mrs. Johnson's class!!! Way to go!
Congratulations to our Teacher of the Month, Mrs. Watson! We appreciate you!
Way to earn those Positive Behavior Referrals, Knights!!!
Congratulations to our newest Kindergarten Sight Word Superstar! We are so proud of you, Kyleigh Johnson!
We are so proud of Mrs. Holloway for earning the Pineapple Royalty award!!!
We loved seeing a variety of book characters at school today! Natalia D. and Wesley D. dressed as characters from Mrs. Chapman's Principal's Book of the Month selections. Reading is bear-y fun; check out a book through Sora today!
Our elementary students are getting ready for today's Science Olympiad competition. Good luck to them all! #LearnGrowSucceed #CommittedToExcellence #Science #STEM
Our kindergarten through second grade students enjoyed their visit with The Cat in the Hat today! They loved listening to the Dr. Seuss story, The Cat in the Hat. We are thankful for our school board member, Mr. Greg Head, and his family for bringing the joy of a fun story to our school!
Hey KBS Family!
We currently have $3,745.00 in donations towards our Knightly Read-A-Thon! This is great, but we still have a long way to go and a short time to do it in! Please consider registering your student's Get Movin' webpage and SHARE, SHARE, SHARE it on your social media platforms, text messages and emails with friends and family! If your friends and family would rather donate with cash or check, that works too! Just make checks payable to KBS PTO, with student name and valid phone number on the check. Check out the graphic with all of our amazing prizes! Here's the link to register: https://www.getmovinfundhub.com/register?school_uuid=6009cae33a2aa
Thank you to Michael and Holly Price of 365 Landscaping for sponsoring our PBIS reward today for KBS students! They really enjoyed their popcorn bar!
What should you read this weekend? Check out a few of the titles that Mrs. Sikes, our media specialist, recommends. All of these books are available in Sora, our eBook and audiobook platform.
Dress up days for Read Across America Week!
We are shouting out our KBS Knights!!! Thank you all for being responsible, respectful and safe!